Reading, LGBT+ Inclusivity, and Advice for Ireland
Students need to learn how to read science texts and we have a responsibility to teach them how to do that. In a recent paper, Patterson et al make this argument and present some approaches teachers could use, including examples such as activating prior knowledge before reading, supporting reflective reading, and post-reading discussions. It's an important point worth keeping in mind when we plan curricula for next year. Two physics news stories have been in the headlines over the past week: clamour about Stephen Hawking's last paper , which was blown way out of proportion and isn't significant; and the re-start of the LHC for its final data run before a length upgrade process. If you'll be in Washington, DC, USA this July (maybe for the AAPT summer meeting) consider attending the fantastic High School Physics Teachers Camp . And while you're at it, come to my AAPT workshop (with Kelly O'Shea) about grouped practical assessments the previous day! The se...